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Aligning the product portfolio of Continental

Same superior product but with a new naming structure. Project Continuity:. Continental adapts its product portofolio with the goal of…

1 min read | March 15, 2024

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Jens S. has secured silver medal in the EcoVadis evaluation

EcoVadis evaluation 2023.

1 min read | March 15, 2024

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Jens S. Norway is now certified according to ISO9001, 14001 and 45001

See certificate.

1 min read | December 8, 2023

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New improved warehouse solution in Hadsten

At the end of January our good employees moved our warehouse from Over Hadstensvej 42 to Over Hadstensvej 40 in…

1 min read | February 1, 2022

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New Ecodesign directive become effective from the 1st of July

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1 min read | May 26, 2021

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New brand at Jens S: The SH-Chain changes name to Protorque

At Jens S. we want to be at the forefront with our products and service within power transmission

1 min read | April 1, 2021

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